Organization Standard Alpha Nominal
At 0°C
International Electrotechnical
Commission (Supersedes
IEC 60751: 2022 0.00385

ASTM International ASTM  E1137/E1137M-08 (2020) 0.00385 100
American Scientific
Apparatus Makers
Association (SAMA)
RC21-4-1966 0.003923 98.129
British Standards
b.S. 1904-1964 0.00385 100
DIN 43760 0.00385 100
US Department
of Defense
MIL-T-24388 0.00392 100

Tolerance Classes for Wound Resistors

Tolerance Class Tolerance Value (°C) Temperature Range of
Validity of Tolerances
W 0.1 ±(0.1° + 0.0017[t]) -50° to 250°
W 0.15 ±(0.15° + 0.002[t]) -100° to 450°
W 0.3 ±(0.3° + 0.005[t]) -196° to 661°
W 0.6 ±(0.6° + 0.01[t]) -196° to 661°

Tolerance Classes for Film Resistors

Tolerance Class Tolerance Value (°C) Temperature Range of
Validity of Tolerances
F 0.1 ±(0.1° + 0.0017[t]) -50° to 250°
F 0.15 ±(0.15° + 0.002[t]) -50° to 450°
F 0.3 ±(0.3° + 0.005[t]) -50° to 661°
F 0.6 ±(0.6° + 0.01[t]) -50° to 661°

Tolerance Classes for Thermometers (Finished Probes)

Tolerance Class Tolerance Value (°C) Temperature Range of
Validity of Tolerances
AA ±(0.1° + 0.0017[t]) -50° to 250°
A ±(0.13° + 0.0017[t]) -100° to 450°
B ±(0.25° + 0.0042[t]) -196° to 600°
C ±(0.6° + 0.01[t]) -196° to 600°

ANSI Thermocouple Type Temp Range (°C) Temp Range (°F) Standard Limits of Error (°C)* Special Limits of Error (°C)
J 0 to 760 32 to 1400 The greater of ±2.2 or ±0.75% The greater of ±2.2 or ±0.75%
T 0 to 370 32 to 700 The greater of ±1 or ±0.75% The greater of ±0.5 or ±0.4%
K 0 to 1260 32 to 2300 The greater of ±2.2 or ±0.75% The greater of ±1.1 or ±0.4%
E 0 to 870 32 to 1600 The greater of ±1.7 or ±0.5% The greater of ±1 or ±0.4%
S 0 to 1480 32 to 2700 The greater of ±1.5 or ±0.25% The greater of ±0.6 or ±0.1%
R 0 to 1480 32 to 2700 The greater of ±1.5 or ±0.25% The greater of ±0.6 or ±0.1%
N 0 to 1246 32 to 2300 The greater of ±2.2 or ±0.75% The greater of ±1.1 or ±0.4%
B 870 to 1700 1600 to 3100±0.5% ±0.25%
TA -200 to 0 -328 to 32 The greater of ±1 or ±1.5% B
EA -200 to 0 -328 to 32 The greater of ±1.7 or ±1% B
KA -200 to 0 -328 to 32 The greater of ±2.2 or ±2% B

A: Thermocouple and thermocouple materials are normally supplied to meet the tolerances specified in the table of temperatures above 0°C. The same materials, however, may not fall within the tolerances given for temperatures below 0°C in the normal section in the table. If materials are required to meet the tolerances stated for temperatures below 0°C the purchase order must specifically state that requirement. Selection of materials will usually be required.

B: Special tolerances for temperatures below 0°C are difficult to justify due to limited available information.

*: Standard and special limits of error in °F are 1.8 times larger thant the °C tolerance at the equivalent °C temperature.